Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Buying a home as an investment

  • Jan 29, 2008

Buying a home as an investment

It’s supposed to be the American Dream.
Instead of throwing away money on rent every month, you can buy your own home, giving you not only a place to live rent free, but a sound financial investment at the same time.

One small problem: the number’s don’t add up.
(Check my numbers: http://www.bankrate.com/brm/mortgage-calculatorhttp://www.dinkytown.net/java/CompoundSavings.html http://www.hsfcuonline.org/cw2.1/calcs/Appreciation/calc_appreciation.asp)

First and foremost, there is the idea that a home is an investment due to appreciation.
The logical flaw in that idea is simple, and doesn’t depend on appreciation or rental rates.

Say you buy a house at a certain price, and the value goes up 500%. What can you do with that "value"?

If you want to live in your house, the best you can do with it is use it as collateral for a loan.
Great... now you can go much deeper in debt all at once than you ever could before.

If you sell the house, now you need to live somewhere else.
If your house just went up 500%, that means every house in your neighborhood just went up 500%.
What ever you made in profit by selling, it will cost you just as much to buy something else of equal quality.
Minus what you lose to agents, banks, and taxes for the transaction.

So in order to ever make use of appreciation, you must either move to a much worse neighborhood, move to a much smaller home, or move to a less desirable location.
So: IF you have kids who will be moving out of the home in 10 years, or you plan to retire somewhere cheaper like Arizona or Florida, only then might a house which you live in be considered an investment.
(Buying a house to rent out to others is another story, since you can sell it anytime)

If you want to stay in your home, you can never cash out, and any appreciation is useless.

But at least you are saving on rent... right?

A hypothetical, more-or-less average, scenario:
You buy a new home for, lets say $400,000 (below the average for the Bay Area of 500-600, but higher than national average of around 200).
Agents, brokers, lenders, typically add in 2-3% in total closing costs, another $10,000 (for simplicity, lets say you have that much in down payment)
On a 30 year loan, add $463,000 in interest at 6% (lower than typical, but slightly higher than where it is right now)

You’ll pay around $2,400 a month, of which more than half is interest paid to the bank.

Add in home owner’s insurance - $800-$1000 per year
Property taxes, (1% in CA) - $4000 per year
(a detached home may or may not have HOA fees, we’ll assume this one doesn’t)

Factoring insurance and taxes, plus water and garbage (usually included in rentals) monthly payments are the equivalent of $2867

After 30 years you have paid a grand total of $1,042,120

Renting a 2 or 3 bdrm in the Bay Area runs anywhere from $1,500 to $2,500 a month - or $540,000 to $900,000 over the course of 30 years.

Now you have paid off the loan, and your mortgage payments go to zero. But you have paid around $322,000 more than you would have in a 2000/month rental. You are still paying insurance and taxes etc; about $470 per month - for a net savings of $1530 monthly over paying rent. At this rate it would take another 17 years (on top of the 30 which have already gone by), just to break even.

And all of this is without even factoring being responsible for maintenance and repairs.

Although you may well not be able to sell at this point (since you have to live somewhere) lets say you are in a situation where you can and want to move to a cheaper home, and cash out your equity.

The average national appreciation rate is 5.5% right now. While CA is much higher than average at 9%, metropolitan areas (such as the Bay Area) are actually lower, at around only 3%.
At 3%, a 400,000 home will be worth $970,900 in 30 years - less than the total you paid by $50,100 (not counting water, garbage, HOA fees, or maintenance)
At 4% it will be worth $1,297,360
At 5% it will be worth $1,728,775 - but remember, as the current "crises" reminds us, there are no guarantees on appreciation rates.

You seemingly came out $266,000 ahead at 4% (assuming you can sell your house and move to something smaller or in a less desirable location)
But what if instead you invested the $8000 down, along with the $800 monthly surplus?
With a guaranteed (insured) long-term CD, you can get up to 5% - which would be $446,000 more than you put into it after 30 years.

If you were luckier, your area’s housing demand went up a lot, and you had a higher appreciation rate, say 6%, you are up $1,266,000 over what you paid
But investing down payment and the difference between rent and mortgage in low risk a mutual fund at 10%, you are up $1,651,700 over what you put into it.
And you can cash out that 1.6mil without moving to a less desirable home.

So, why is it that even though real estate tends to appreciate, you still earn less than a simple CD, or even lose money in the long run? Simple.
The banks and lenders will always charge more in interest on loans than they pay out in interest on savings, no matter what the prevailing rates are at the time. Almost no one can afford to buy a house in cash. The banks, developers, realtors, and everyone else is in the game to make money. If you could make more by investing in the house, they would just buy the house themselves, rent it out, and then keep the profits. But the house is not worth as much as the interest payments that the buyer is willing to make.
The idea of never-ending appreciation is built on the idea that the population keeps growing, and the new people all need somewhere to live, therefore demand rises. Its essentially a pyramid scheme - nothing new of value is being created, home prices tend to go up only because demand tends to go up.

So, if you can so easily end up neutral, or even losing money, by buying a home instead of renting (again, this does not necessarily apply to investment property which you rent out to others, as the rent pays part or all of the mortgage, and you can sell at any time) then why is it so common for people to think that buying a home is a sound investment?

My theory is this myth has been very deliberately started and perpetuated by the real estate and financial industries, the banks, developers, real estate agents, and everyone else who make billions a year off of people buying homes.
They did a pretty good job.
It has become the American Dream.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

First version mysteriously disappeared!

  • Jan 23, 2008

First version mysteriously disappeared!

I have been failing to fulfill my responsibility to provide my non-nonsensical thoughts to my 4 or so readers and the 10 anonymous people who for some reason refuse to let me know who they are.
This is primarily because I haven't had time (from work, spending time with my wife, and video games).
When I have posted, its been the sucky unoriginal kind where I just summarize a news story or post a link I found interesting.
Unfortunately, this is going to be another of those.

On the plus side, I have 5 original ideas lined up, which I am sure I will get to relatively soon.  The subjects are written down so I won't forget, and the content has been enhanced and refined by countless raving conversations with people in the real world.

In the meantime...


Virgin Airlines has decided to put 100% of its profits over the next 10 years into developing a non-food crop based renewable bio-fuel to replace petroleum based jet-fuel.
You should avoid flying altogether: although planes are the cause of a relatively small percentage of GHG emissions, this is largely because of the sheer volume of driving we do.  Takes a lot of energy just to keep something that weighs 485 tons in the air, never mind traveling at hundreds of miles per hour.  Not that driving to NY is much better (its actually slightly worse if you make the drive solo).  If you have to travel long distance, its best to take the train.
But we all know we're gonna fly at least occasionally.
I think Virgin has earned our business.  Plus, their is innuendo in the brand, which is another plus.

A bill has just passed congress, and is expected to pass the senate soon, which focuses on stopping domestic terrorism (that is, acts done by US citizens and permanent residents) not only before they happen, but before they are even planned.  It goes beyond conspiracy to commit a crime to simply holding an ideology which may tend to lead eventually to a crime.  While that is not an arrestable offense, it sets up a government agency tasked with tracking and surveillance on individuals which have undergone or are undergoing " 'violent radicalization' [which] means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change."
Look carefully at the syntax of that sentence (a quote from the bill).
It is not based on an actual attempt, plan, or even necessarily even a specific thought of violence, but just having an "extremist belief system" which facilitates violence.
It explicitly includes political or social change. There is no definition of what constitutes "extreme".
Protests have at times included breaking windows, flipping over unoccupied cars, and resisting arrest, all of which can be considered violence.  As such, simply adopting any belief system which is dissatisfied with anything politically or socially could conceivably fall under this new agencies jurisdiction.
By this standard, my blog might be enough to draw attention.

Of 435 members of congress, exactly 6 voted against this bill.  Among them were presidential candidates Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul.


In the US, the car with the highest mileage (the Prius) gets about 45mpg in real world driving.
This is lower than the average of the entire fleet of passenger cars (including light trucks, vans, and SUVs) in Japan, which has the highest mileage standards in the world at around 47.
The EU is close behind, with standards at about 43, and is set to go above 50 in the next 4 years.
Many US car companies have been advertising cars that get 35 as though this were good mileage.
Some Americans like to point out the rate at which China is catching up to the US in petroleum use and pollution (although this is in total for the country, no one comes close per capita) - yet even China averages 35 for all passenger vehicles.
The US, with all its resources, money, and technology, comes in dead last among all first world countries.  Our current 25.3 is actually LOWER than our average from 20 years ago (25.9)

Technology isn't going to help, because a lack of technology was never the problem.

ADDDITION:  Just read that a company (in India) has started selling a (4 door) car which gets 50mpg which retails for $2500 (American dollars).  Its called the Nano.

A blog I stumbled upon of a guy who, while in Japan, buys and browses a great variety of interesting and unusual (at least in our culture) sex toys, including an extended stop in a 7 story tall adult superstore.  Now I like to think of myself as fairly open-minded and adventurous, I enjoy or can at least sympathize with a variety of things I'd just as soon not admit to a general audience, and even I found this to be much more creepy and weird than even slightly sexy.  It is most certainly entertaining though.  Note also there is a part two at the bottom.