Friday, 28 August 2009

Status Messages

  • Aug 28, 2009

Status Messages

My Gmail-integrated-chat status message is sort of my version of twitter.  Character limited blurbs of what’s going on, interesting facts and quotes, links to various stuff.
For some reason there are still some people who don't use gmail as their primary personal email client.  So they don't get to see any of my status messages.
Not to worry!  I have been collecting them for about the past 10 months:

To pull a man out of the mud, a friend must set foot in that mud - Rabbi Nachman

"In my day, television was called 'books' "

Eat Drink and Be Merry, for tomorrow we die

if you can read this, thank a teacher

poor and happy

do you deserve to be a citizen?  or

I want to cuddle her fucking brains out

I consider cuteness an unnecessary bonus.  Fucking jackpot, man.

Set Status Here

You feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts you are thinking at this moment

No one can cut you off if you choose to slow down and let them in

Dinosaur Rap

"I think presumptuousness and judgementalness are major traits of your personality"

Governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deducted from it. - Georg Hegel

Spare The Air Day, Tomorrow September 5

I can not think of any clever or informative status messages

1/3 of Americans did not vote.

"The impact to the environment, human health, and animal welfare would be enormous if everyone would just cut back on the amount of meat they eat. If 5 people are each vegetarian 20% of the time the impact is the same as 1 person 100% of the time." (stolen from a customer's status message)

Buy Nothing Day, this Friday.  X-mas is about compassion and humanity (and Jesus), not buying lots of crap

Geekfest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A man is as young as (the woman) he feels

An enemy of socialism cannot write in our newspapers - but we don't deny it, and we don't go around proclaiming hypothetical freedom of the press where it doesn't exist, the way you people do - Fidel Castro (Playboy, 1967)

Lets allow love to kindle even when its a bad idea.  Maybe we end up burning the whole fucking house down and losing everything we own and having to sleep in the street.  Maybe.  I prefer the risk to curling up in the cold on the floor indoors because I'm too afraid to light the fireplace.


Terror Experts Warn, Next 9/11 Could Fall on Different Date

One year left

They are starting to get desperate

The next President of the
United States

How much you can do depends on where you believe your limits are. You can do a lot more when you don't know that you can't

I work hard, and I play hard.  Wait, no... I don't work hard at all

if jerks like us would start driving cars like normal people, maybe we could have 70 degree winters every year

"It's good to be open minded, but not so much that your brains fall out"

Militant Agnostic - I don't know, *and you don't know either!*

I wonder if penguins feel inadequate for not being ok without a partner in life?

solution to credit crunch: don't live beyond your means


I never give compliments. I merely make statements and observations of truth

I'm _far_ more humble than you motherfucker

In order to make a solar panel or wind turbine, you have to mine for the iron ore to make the steel, and drill for oil to make the plastic parts

But I was young and foolish then...                ...          I feel old and foolish now

I had to work 5 whole hours today!
No one should ever work 5 hours in one day

Good morning

island of Guernsey is less than 10 miles across, and nearly every adult owns a car.

Your lifestyle is excessive and unsustainable

A life not enjoyed is a life wasted

Work all day, party tonight, date tomorrow ;)

In a pure free market, if a comet is coming, everybody dies

$1/2 million cap on tax payer money to CEOs. Pobrecitos

"so... due to your heroic deeds fixing our wiring, my roommate has insisted that i go on another date with you"

Large truck + sharp turn off of freeway + gobs of rain + people braking suddenly up ahead for no apparent reason = hydroplaning + fishtailing + adrenaline + a nice little test of my reflexes

Everyone is pro-democracy until the people vote for a law they don't like.  Overturning prop 8 in court = fascism.

11:34.  Guess I'll get dressed.  Good lord I love being self-employed.

I don't play devil's advocate.  I mean, I'm not playing.  I really _am_ the devil's advocate.  Seriously.  The devil is totally awesome.  You should check him out sometime.

I discovered the jelly bean machine accepts pennies.  Uh oh.  So much for rationing...

Texas, owning 6 or more dildos is a felony.  If you own 5 or fewer, you are merely a hobbyist

The net worth of
America’s wealthiest 1 percent now exceeds the net worth of the entire bottom 90 percent.

I was doored on my skates today for the first time ever.

"There are worse things in life than getting your heart broken. It sucks but it's a good honest kind of hurt. Makes you more human"

Censorship at its best:

I just got pulled over and given the breathalyzer for driving too slow!

Former BikeStation employee shot by Israeli military

$450million from tax payers directly to the personal accounts of those most directly responsible for the credit crises - including $6.5million to a single AIG executive:

I do enjoy my job, but I don't like having to do anything for hours every week.  I'd rather do other things with that time, like, you know, talking to my friends.  I guess I could charge them... but then I'd probably have fewer friends.

4.5 Million Americans are on unemployment (the most in 26 years); only 1/3 of the unemployed receive benefits

21.75 MPG in the 5500lb truck!!!!

The comments after the article are from the generally progressive readers of Mother Jones; we really are going to go the way of the yeast in a beer barrel - drowning in our own waste because we are incapable of not breeding:

"Because the typical farmers market is supplied by dozens of different farms, each transporting its crops in a separate van or truck ... locally grown produce might actually represent a larger carbon footprint than the same volume of produce purchased at a chain retailer, which gets its produce en masse, via large trucks." -

"People are people, and I still love them (especially the women)"

"Big Brother is not only watching, he is recording it all for later.  And thanks to Congress, there’s not a damn thing we can do about it."

"Human kindness can be a renewable resource"

"Prior to the 1980s, conservatives were fiscally conservative-  they were unwilling to spend more than they took in in taxes. But Reaganomics introduced the idea that virtually any tax cut would so stimulate growth that the government would end up taking in more revenue in the end. In fact, the traditional view was correct: if you cut taxes without cutting spending, you end up with a damaging deficit. Thus the Reagan tax cuts produced a big deficit; the
Clinton tax increases produced a surplus; and the Bush tax cuts produced an even larger deficit. The fact that the American economy grew just as fast in the Clinton years as in the Reagan ones somehow didn't shake the conservative faith in tax cuts as the surefire key to growth." - Francis Fukuyama

screw mutant fruit

"With just 5% of the world's population,
America holds nearly 25% of the world's reported prison population. Our prison population has quadrupled since 1984, and most of the increase comes from people being imprisoned for drug offenses--mostly minor and nonviolent."

Only 5 billion years until the sun expands and engulfs the Earth.
Make the most of them.

Gay animals even more common than we thought:

Infant male prairie voles (a normally monogamous specie) which are injected with a single dose of chemical which disrupts oxytocin fail to ever bond with a mate as adults.

29 to 68% of the offspring of monogamous bird species are the results of feathered infidelities.

She's like the character in a movie who comes into the lonely/forlorn/nerdy/hopeless protagonist's life all of a sudden, and complete turns his outlook around, changes his life permanently.,7598/
Happy 4500millionth birthday, Earth

"In any case, I need another installment of the soap opera  that is Bakari's all natural biodiesel dating frenzy. The Bold and the Biodiesel? General Handyman?"


1100sq ft RV for multimillionaire trailer trash

Ty, your comment provided me the motivation to actually write this:

Total # of deaths from "swine" flu: 8                   
Total annual deaths from regular old human flu: 500,000               

"I have no idea why anyone went to the movie in the first place, let alone rent it." - Paul Haggis, writer/director of Crash, on its being Netflix's most rented video for the past 4 years

Average US passenger vehicle fuel economy peaked in 1987

Yesterday I did some thing most unusual... Cleaned :)

War predates vertebrae

Females in more than 80 species eat their mates

Slavery predates vertebrae

% of Americans who believe in:                           ..   
Astrology - 40%
Creationism - 50%             
ESP - 60%                  
Magnetic Therapy - 70%


lots of stuff to get rid of

me = tired

May is bike month.  Its not too late to sign up:

Didn't meet my goal, but did better than last year
1:11:31 and am in MUCH less pain than last year! :)

"I saw your truck on 580 this morning as I was heading in to Instructables, and I thought, "I should check out that website."  Now, I'm reviewing entries in the efficiency contest, and here's your truck again!" - CEO of

Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits reunion show!!! 

I think I have swine flu.  It is getting back at me for making fun of it on my blog.


"It would be zero emissions if it weren't for the tire smoke"

*26.8 mpg* in a commercial truck!!!

"This is the reason your headaches didn't go away:  that's pronounced _analgesic_ not 'anal'gesic.  The pills go in your mouth."


The Obama Reality Show:

conservative morality

Walmart forces major manufactures to provide earth friendlier products, brings green to the lower classes

In a nationwide survey of Americans, atheists were ranked lowest of all groups in terms of trustworthiness, sharing America's vision of society, and approval of who their children marry - lower than Muslims, recent immigrants, and homosexuals.

The human side of evil

"sometimes there's a third, even deeper level, and that one is the same as the top surface one.  Like with pie."

goodnight everybody.  I'll put that link back up tomorrow in case you missed it

I just ate food which I GREW MYSELF!!!!!!!!!

we parked 160 bikes at the first annual Uptown Unveiled festival

Haircut ordered by President of the
United States

The richest dozen Americans hold roughly as much wealth as the entire lower 50% of the population


Oakland has the nation's cleanest tap water.  Why are you still buying it in bottles?

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

A 7 year old told her mother that a boy in her class asked her to play doctor.  "Oh dear, what happened honey?" asked her nervous mother.
"Not much," said the little girl, "He made me wait 45 minutes, then double billed the insurance company."

She's so hot she's making me sexist.

I was probably the best dressed guy there.        
Imagine that!!!

I have $5 left in the bank.

"What happened?"             
"we grew up"                       
"but you're still playing it" 
"hmm... well... I guess _they_ grew up."

another instructables contest:

Even I think other entries are better than mine... but vote for me anyway:

A "hands-free" cell phone contributes about as much to safer driving as a dashboard beverage holder contributes to safer drinking and driving.

NASCAR saving gas

Notice any similarities?  and         Where does it stop?

Old-school Bakari-style rant-essay:

The number one killer of Americans under 40?  Car accidents.  Every time you get in a car, you may die.

people who should be natural allies against the elite, instead focusing on fighting each other:

I do measure up to the myth though ;-)

Using a cellphone (even w/ handsfree) produces accident rate equal to DUI

My ex says I like to talk, and don't spend enough time asking questions. I think that's probably a valid criticism.

The average new car has around 250 horsepower.  For comparison, my 2.5 ton truck which is capable of hauling another 3 tons at freeway speeds and up
San Francisco hills has under 170 horsepower.

I just got home from singing Bohemian Rhapsody while wearing a bright blue sparkle shirt in Oakland's most famous gay bar and I wonder why people mistake me for gay

today marks 3 years of biodiesel powered hauling and delivery

Slow down
3 jobs, 4 truck problems repaired; long day - all finished now! :)

BART strike Monday!! Which means no BikeStation either :( On the other hand, since traffic will be terrible, this is the perfect time to start riding your bike to work :)

Whole Foods CEO is campaigning against national healthcare

Safeway, Lucky's, and Albertson's are unionized. Trader Joe's and Whole Foods aren't.

Why does everyone think necrophilia is sick?  They didn't think it was sick beforehand.  When she was "alive"

Tap water standards are higher than bottle water standards, yet bottled water costs approx. 2000 times more. San Fransisco and the
East Bay have some of the nations cleanest tap water. 

"Of course, everyone - regardless of race and sex - will hit occasional bumps on the road. And everyone, white men included, has put out some sort of effort to get where they got. But when the folks on the smoother road go faster and further, let’s not pretend it’s because they’re better drivers."

"Middle class people put a tremendous amount of focus on addressing issues of language and protocol, but addressing one’s racist conditioning is more about communication than language, more about self-awareness than protocol, more about humility than expertise."

The future of transportation:

If you are going to be stopped more than 1 second, it takes more fuel to idle than to start
Shut your engine at every red light.

People are like elephants.  Some of them are just jerks.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Slow down. My philosophy for life also applies to the road.

Slow down. My philosophy for life also applies to the road.

I have been requested to post something positive.
In light of that request, I am putting a positive spin on what I was going to write anyway.

While I am generally good at pointing out problems and at complaining, I don't generally offer much by way of solutions.
This time I have a very concrete solution, which is within easy reach of ordinary Americans, with no risk, no cost, and a negligible amount of inconvenience.
It is something you, the reader, can do.

But first, a short history lesson:

In October of 1973 a group of nations got sick of the US “foreign policy” of military intervention, and, knowing we had developed a lifestyle totally dependent on oil, they all agreed not to sell us any more.
This caused massive and immediate affects throughout the US economy. Buying fuel, at any price, meant waiting in long lines – on those days you were even allowed to buy gas at all*
The government took steps to encourage conservation – which (unlike sourcing new oil) could be done immediately – such as banning Christmas lights.
Another major step they took was to enact a national speed limit of 55mph.
The reason for this is that at higher speeds air resistance increases exponentially** relative to speed. Going twice as fast requires 4 times the energy. This is as true of modern vehicles as it was in 1973. It will always be true, because it is due to fundamental physics. All vehicles, small or large, gas or alternative fuel, use more energy at speeds above 45mph.
In fact, going from 55 to 70mph typically uses between 20% and 25% more fuel to go the same distance.***
25% is a massive amount more fuel to use – at our current national usage, that amounts to approximately 5 million barrels of oil every single day!
That’s 175 million gallons.
That just happens to almost exactly equal the amount we purchase from the Middle Eastern OPEC nations.
In other words, if we still had (and actually enforced!!!!) a 55mph national speed limit today, that alone would completely eliminate any need for importing oil from the Middle East.

Guess it turns out congress occasionally does something sensible, eh?

Next, a physics lesson:
Similar to the relationship between wind resistance and speed, kinetic energy varies with the square of speed.
Energy=1/2 mass X velocity2  ****
This means that if you are going twice as fast, it will take four times as much force to stop.
In other words, it will take four times the braking distance to stop in an emergency.
If it takes four times longer to stop, you are much more likely to slam into something full force which, at a lower speed, you could have come to a full stop in time to avoid hitting at all.
It also means that if you do end up in a crash, at twice the speed you will have four times the impact force.
At four times the impact, crumple zones and airbags can’t stop your organs from hitting your ribs hard enough to literally explode.
The energy in the previous equation dictates how hard you hit.  Whatever energy isn’t absorbed by the car and restraints, gets absorbed by you.
A lot of people focus on the size of the car or truck they are in, believing a large amount of vehicle mass will absorb more crash energy.
Look at the formula:  that’s half true.
The affect of mass gets divided by two.   But velocity is not only factored in fully, it is squared.  In plain English, this means that speed plays an overwhelmingly larger role in how bad a crash is than mass.
And incidentally, going back to the first point – a smaller car has a shorter braking distance at any speed, and so is less likely to crash into anything in the first place.  Ask yourself: Which would you rather do, crash and survive, or not crash in the first place?  This is why crash test ratings do not reflect safety – they only tell you if you will survive a crash, as though a crash were inevitable.  They aren’t.  And as it turns out, drivers of mid-size sedans actually do have less fatalities than drivers of full-size SUVs (along with all other sizes of SUV, all sizes of truck, and even heavier full-size cars.  All of these are statistically more dangerous than mid-size cars, which should be more than enough to dispel the myth that heavy=safe, if only people knew the statistics) .

Buying a big vehicle, and then driving it fast is like getting a diet soda with your super-sized burger and fries.
I realize that almost everyone actually feels they are safe when they are driving a car.
It is human nature to take anything which is commonplace for granted.  We tend to fear things which have an infinitesimally remote chance of happening but receive lots of news coverage but not think about things that really are likely to kill us, but which we don’t hear a lot about.
The number one cause of death of all young people in the US in car crashes. It causes more deaths among young people than murder, suicide, cancer, and heart disease combined. It is the number one cause of death up until age 40, at which point it is still in the top 3.
We don’t hear about it much in the news precisely because it is so common. There are roughly 16,500 accidents significant enough to be reported in the U.S. EVERY DAY. Of these, roughly 1/3 to 1/2 result in permanent injuries. Every 12 minutes, an American dies in a car crash.
Every time you get into a car, you may die.
The number one factor in causing all of these deaths and injuries? It isn’t alcohol. It isn’t teen drivers or cell phones.
It’s speeding.

Speeding is the single largest factor in injury and fatality collisions.

Contrary to popular belief, driving slower is safer even when other cars around you are speeding.*****
Here are two different studies’ conclusions on the issue, after compiling actual accident data:
“risk of involvement in a casualty crash, relative to the risk for a car traveling at 60 km/h, increased at an exponential rate for free traveling speeds above 60 km/h [37mph]” ***”First, the probability of a crash is approximately proportional to the square of the travel speed. Second, in a crash, injury risk is approximately proportional to the impact forces on a person, which in turn are proportional to the square of the impact speed. These two effects can be summarized in a general rule of thumb: When travel speed increases by 1%, the injury crash rate increases by about 2%, the serious injury crash rate increases by about 3%, and the fatal crash rate increases by about 4% ” ***
And finally, a chart from the DHS defensive driving course:

So, ok, by now you are accepting the physics and the statics, and acknowledging that maybe there is a legitimate reason for speed limits, and a very real cost – environmentally, financially, and in lives – to breaking it.

“But… but…
I’m running late!!!!!!!!!!!”
The catch:
There is, of course, an obvious drawback to driving slower: it takes more time to get somewhere.
That is, of course, why people do it.  Who wants to spend more time than they have to sitting in a car?
Time for just a little more math:
Time = Distance / Speed
What does this mean for typical driving speeds?  Here, I’ll do the calculations for you:
1 hour = (60min x 60sec) = 3600seconds
3600 seconds / 65mph = 55 seconds
It takes 55 seconds to go one mile at 65mph.
3600/55mph = 65 seconds
1 mile at 65mph= 55seconds
1 mile at 55mph= 65seconds
Difference = 65-55 = 10 seconds
Slowing down from 65mph to 55mph means it will take you an additional 10 seconds to go a mile.  Ten seconds.  That’s it.
Speeding up from 65 to 75 would only gain 7 seconds.  Going from 75 to 85 saves 6 seconds.  The faster you go, the less time it saves.
Of course, going even one mile per hour over the posted speed limit is a crime.  This is not an opinion, nor is it open to interpretation.  It doesn’t matter if law enforcement chooses not to enforce the law, nor does it matter if “everyone else is doing it”.  Speeding is, in addition to wasting money, natural resources, and human lives, is also illegal, and is totally unacceptable.  Therefore I’ll limit the discussion to whether one drives as fast as legally possible, or slower than that.  Going 10 miles per hour below the posted maximum is legal in every state in the country (in states that specify a minimum at all, it is 15 to 20mph below the maximum).

But when you are tempted to go above the limit, remind yourself that the faster you go, the less time you save.  You can do the math yourself if you have trouble believing that.

A typical drive is 10 miles.  Over a 10 mile drive by driving at the legal maximum instead of 10 under, you will waste 25% more gas (increasing your gas bill by 25%), and increase your risk of death by 60-100%, all to save just a minute and a half.  A minute which you may well end up losing again at a single stop light.  I’m sure you have been passed by a speed demon only to catch up to them a minute later at the red light they raced to (or are you always that speed demon?  Either way, you know what I mean).  I find that even at 20mph under the limit, the ETA estimates that Google Maps and my GPS unit give me are always spot on, if not slightly late.  Both systems assume I will drive at the speed limit, and calculate how long the trip should take based on that.  I often get where I am going sooner than they said I would, even though I drive slower than they expect.
Even on a long drive, say 350 miles from SF to LA, speeding the entire way only saves a little over a half an hour.
That half an hour meant using up an extra 3 gallons of gas, or almost $11.  According to the study quoted above, you also increase your risk of death by up to 100%.

But wait!!!

Here is a real-life story, written by "CBR Shadow":
" I recently took an 800 mile trip with a friend in my car [A Honda Insight] and we averaged 74mpg on the highway with some hypermiliing techniques (slow lane, try to get behind a truck, etc).  I got behind a full car carrier truck (the holy grail for hypermiling on the highway IMO) and stayed behind him for 50 miles averaging 94MPG!!!

The best part of that trip is that my brother ... drove his Nissan Xterra on the same route and left at the same time as us.  He laughed before thet rip about how he's going to get there way before us because I'm such a penny pincher.  Ends up we beat him there by 5 minutes!  He stopped twice for gas and stopped for food twice, where we stopped for gas once (almost didn't have to at all!) and brought food in the car.  My brother spent $135 in gas for that trip, where my friend and I split a $40 gas bill :)" [Emphasis mine]

I am not asking you to give up your car and rely solely on bicycles and public transportation.
I am not asking you to buy an experimental electric or alternative fuel car, an expensive new hybrid, or even a smaller more efficient car.
I am not suggesting you go to the lengths I do and remove your power steering pump and alternator, or drive 45mph on the freeway.

All I am asking is that you slow down.  Never, ever, ever exceed a posted speed limit on a highway.******
Leave home on time so you don’t have to rush. It is not up to you to regulate everyone else, so stay in the right lane.  Don’t worry about people who pass you.  It is not a race.  On rural roads be courteous and use turn-outs; but don’t let obnoxious impatient people pressure you into risking a traffic ticket or fatal accident – just move to the right, put on your flashers, and encourage them to pass.  On a freeway there are always at least 2 lanes, so there is no excuse for anyone behind you not to pass if they want to go faster.

If you value your own money.
If you value the environment.
If you value national security and energy independence.
If you value the lives of those around you.
If you value your own life.
You don’t even have to care about all of those things. Any one of them of them is reason enough.
Leave the house 1 and a half minutes sooner, and slow down.
This will not, all by itself, save the world. But if we all do it, it will make a difference.
Thank you.

“No one can cut you off if you choose to slow down and let them in”

*hmmmmm... so maybe Soviet era lines for goods were not caused by the distribution system of communism, but by a plain lack of resources…

**Disclaimer for math and physics people: I know, technically the curve is parabolic, not exponential, but if I used that term no one would know what I was talking about

***You don’t have to take my word for it:

****Mass means the total weight of the car (plus passengers and cargo, etc). Velocity is basically a fancy word for speed.

*****The chance of an accident is higher if you go slower than traffic around you, because of the speed deferential. This is (unfortunately) even occasionally pointed out in some driving courses.  But the chances of a FATAL accident, or even an injury accident, go up with speed, as noted above.  Which would you rather avoid: a low speed fender bender, or death?

******Don’t speed on the streets either – you won’t save gas at 25mph, but you will avoid killing pedestrians and cyclists.  Traffic engineers put speed limits in place for a reason.  You aren’t a traffic engineer.  Trust them on what speed is safe.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Hate, now in a rainbow of colors

  • Aug 4, 2009

Hate, now in a rainbow of colors

A number of things I have read recently have had the same saddening undertones to me lately.

Whether its queer folk expressing prejudice against heterosexuals, feminists who hate men, or people of color claiming that white activists who have no money coming into their neighborhood is a “gentrification” issue.

I hear about "gentrification" here in
Oakland too.
Oakland has rent control, which means no tenant can be forced out or have their rent raised dramatically just because local property valuations have gone up.
Raising the average income in an area serves to increase the tax base, lower crime, and is not bad for a neighborhood.  If, thanks to rent control, no one is being displaced this means that, like in the clash between anarchists in
Pittsburgh, what people are really fighting for is something activists spent years trying to dismantle: segregation.

Bigotry which comes from an oppressed group is still just as much bigotry as it is when it comes from wealthy straight white men. 
In all cases it is counter-productive.
Activists, please - stop alienating your allies just because they look different than you.

That is exactly what they want us to do.