devoid of meaning
a faint echo of death keeps whispering to me from the distance
I do not hear it
I can not heed it
I do not wish to
I know I will not
But it is there
I need sleep
I beg for it
It is callous
Like her
It knows that I need it; but it is selfish, it has its own priorities, and it will not come to me
I know it is near by, just outside, enjoying the night
I have always tried to be good to sleep
Sleep medicine feels no different from no-doz; it makes no difference, not even a little
Maybe I need something prescription strength; medical insurance leaves me in divorce
At least sleep never told me it loved me
I feel as though I have no organs
I may have, at one time, but they have dissolved
Sometimes they have been replaced with barbed wire
Other times they are replaced with nothing
I feel sick
Maybe that's all the sleeping pills
I can't remember for sure, but I think the feeling was already there
I think that was the reason I took them
I keep hearing "time"
This planet has circled our sun
I feel worse now than I did 1 year ago
I did not think, when I last wrote, that it was possible to feel worse than I did at that moment
How much time?
2 years? 3?
What happens to the human brain if it feels this way for too long?
I am told you learn to trust again
I am told you learn to love again
It's not that I don't believe it
I am scared
I would like to see it work
6 years ago I thought this would
Time may heal, but it offers no security
I told her I could not be friends with her
I was not asking for much
For her to keep her agreements to me
Is that so much to ask of a friend?
She expected that from me
I had asked that before we give up, we have at least a short-term commitment with exclusivity, a trial-unseparation, and see how that went
If it still didn't work out, so be it
She agreed to that
And then she just didn't do it
She decided she didn't feel like it.
She said she would go through the relationship book with me. The one that
she ordered
.And halfway through, she just stopped, she changed her mind about trying
She wasn't going to try anymore
I asked her to spend a night at my place, because I had been spending a lot at hers
She agreed to that
And then she just didn't
I asked her to read my last letter a second time, after allowing a few days for it to sink in
She agreed to that
She just didn't do it
All I needed was that she not ask me to stay the night with her if it didn't mean anything to her, since she knew I was still in love
All I needed was for her to not have sex with me if it didn't mean anything to her
She thinks saying the words "this doesn't change anything" made it ok
All I needed was for her to show some basic level of concern, even when I wasn't especially upset
This was not too much to ask
But when I told her I needed for her to be willing to do just these basic things to prevent hurting me so much
She said she was not willing to
She would rather lose my friendship altogether than to have to change anything at all about her behavior
She says she can't help the way she feels
If she would rather lose my friendship than to put even the slightest effort into not hurting me, then she never loved me
I do not hold this against her
I suspect she can not love
I do not want to be writing these things
I want to be writing about anarchy
I want to be writing about prostitution
I can not
I have tried
The words do not come
I should not want her
There is something wrong with me
She had an affair with a married man whose wife was taking care of their newborn first baby
She seduced me recently, knowing I was still in love, even though for her it had no emotional significance at all
She asked me to spend the night with her every day for a week
One week after that, she told her ex, from 8 years ago, she has feelings for him again
He told me that the last girl he was with destroyed him inside
It isn't enough for her to have hurt me so much
She wants to try again, already
Just to prove to herself that she can fall in love
Because I suggested she had reactive attachment
Its worth it to her to hurt someone else just to prove that
He is a great guy
I could see potential for the two of them
But if that potential exists, and has been on hold for 7 years, it will still exist one more year from now
Why does it have to be now?
There is something wrong with her, and therefor there is something wrong with me for wanting her
She says we both deserve better
I think I deserve better
It pains me to say it, but I don't think she does
You don't deserve good things just for existing
You have to earn them
In the beginning I was just as bad as her
I changed and she didn't
She is too afraid to go to therapy
She says she is proud of me for going
She says for her it just isn't a priority
She told her sister she would go in the summer
The summer is half over
She has not made an appointment
She thinks that this didn't work almost entirely because of my personality
She is probably right that there is something wrong with me, specifically, and that we have deep incompatibilities.
That doesn't mean she doesn't have really serious issues of her own
She says that even if I am right about her having reactive attachment disorder, I still shouldn't have told her
I have opened myself
I am going to counseling
I am talking to friends about things I was unwilling to even think to myself in the past
I allow the world to see how I feel by writing where anyone can see - not only close friends, but anyone who knows me, anyone who stumbles upon my website, business associates, the world.
To my friends I say even more
I listen too
I want to be able to be there for them just as much as they have been for me
I want to learn to feel love for people who aren't my partner
I have ripped into my own chest broken open my ribcage and opened everything
But the tar that coats me inside
Thick and sticky
It does not pour out
It coats all of my insides, everything that makes me alive, everything that makes me who I am
And open, it does not flow
The only time the feeling subsided was when we were together
I was forced to choose to give up the one thing that made me feel ok
I was forced to let go of what was most important to me
I tried to loosen my grip, to meet her part way
She would not move any more than the tar does
I have found meaning in my work which I never experienced before
I have found myself volunteering
I have found myself on a date
I have found myself on the roof in the sunshine, dancing in my house, running 12 miles in one day with no training
I have found solace and understanding where I never expected to find it
Even the person she is thinking of getting involved with next has been a great comfort to me; he kept to himself his own interest when he knew I was hurting, and he chose not to act on it
I do not believe she would have that much integrity in his place
I feel that he, like myself, deserves better than her
And even so, I would take her back, if only she would agree to try
Not just to "let things happen", but to
tryI have discovered and acknowledged my own weaknesses, my own fears, and learned what I want out of life
I have seen my own obsessiveness, my own attachment issues, and begun the process of figuring out how to deal with them
I know I can not be objective, but I still believe what I felt - what I still feel - is real
Despite these things I have found, the pain only subsided when I was near her
I told her I did not want to be friends anymore
We can not be close friends
We can not be activity partners
We can not be casual acquaintances
We can not be anything
Not now
Not ever
I am losing much more than just my wife
I am truly losing a part of my life
And Death hides in the shadows around every corner all day
And Death calls softly to me in the night